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2 "Cracked" Bronze drop 70+ Kills VS 5 Crippled Radiants
If 3 Radiants Win VS 5 Bronze, I'll give them 10,000 VP
2 Cracked E-Girls VS 5 Bronze Players! - Who Wins?
Radiants with PERMA-DEATH VS 5 Iron's! - Who Wins?
VALORANT: 3 Radiant's VS 5 Immortal - Who Wins?
Placing a Cocky Platinum in a Radiant Game... It was a mistake
The Most Cracked BRONZE Player in VALORANT!
If Iron's win ONE Round, they win the Entire Game!
Rich Bronze VS Poor Radiant Players! - Money Diff?
2 Radiants use Secret Info to Bully Silvers
Radiant Phantom VS Vandal Mains! - *EGO REMATCH*